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8 March 2024: Demonstration

  • 6 Unter den Linden Berlin, BE, 10117 Allemagne (map)

Join us in demonstrating with the Alliance of Internationalist Feminist.

We will meet in front of the Humboldt University at 14h and then join the march together. We will have a sign for you to recognise us.

Here is the route of the march.

After the demonstration, to keep the inner revolutionary fire burning, we will welcome you all for a special meet up at the beautiful Café Fleurs.

Why did we decide to join this March?

As ecofeminists, we advocate an intersectional, multicultural and decolonised feminism that defends the rights of all women, whatever their cultural, economic or social background.

Our vision of feminism goes beyond borders and classes.

We refuse to accept the idea of a white, bourgeois feminism such as the one that is gaining ground in our societies, which only serves the interests of a few women and which, under the guise of propriety, is an instrument of domination in favour of capitalism and patriarchy.

We unite to raise the voices of women in the Global South who are more impacted every day by neo-colonial and fascist policies and the consequences of climate change on a global scale.

Standing united against fascism and imperialism is the only way forward and that is why we decide to join the Alliance of Internationalist Feminists demonstration to act together for an international and global feminism.

None of us is free until all of us are free!

2 March

Smoke Sauna Sisterhood: Group movie screening

8 March

8 March 2024: Ecofeminist meet-up